October 2010 Survey: Difference between revisions

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(3 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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<h5> For some tools you are extremely specific with rules to follow, but for others you allow highly contaminating processes - like e.g. the SSE spinner where you allow thick resists that contaminates a system that is intended to be used for nanolithography (e-beam and nanoimprint). </h5>
<h5> For some tools you are extremely specific with rules to follow, but for others you allow highly contaminating processes - like e.g. the SSE spinner where you allow thick resists that contaminates a system that is intended to be used for nanolithography (e-beam and nanoimprint). </h5>

<i> Action:   </i> <br>
<i> Action: We have identified two major problems regarding the SSE spinner: The general cleanliness was inadequate and some of the recipees were modified in a way which resulted in resist deposition on the back side of the wafers. Regarding the general cleanliness we have for the past three months dedicated personnel to keep this at the right level. Sofar we think this works good. Regarding the back-side deposition, we have de-bugged the "bad" recipees - this will of course continue if we find more.    </i> <br>

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<h5> Your UV mask ordering procedure does not work </h5>
<h5> Your UV mask ordering procedure does not work </h5>

<i> Action:  </i> <br>
<i> Action: The complaint has been shortened. The issue is too long proceesing time for ordering masks. We are going to revise our mask ordering procedure to speed-up at least the orders from experinced users. In short, we plan to offer two options:
Option 1: A pure administrative order where we just ship the order without checking anything. This is meant for the experienced user.
Option 2: An order including a basic check of the mask layout and the associated txt-file. This is meant for less-experinced users. We will charge a minor fee for this option.   </i> <br>

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<h5> It would be nice to be able to go online and see who is in the cleanroom. </h5>
<h5> It would be nice to be able to go online and see who is in the cleanroom. </h5>

<i> Action:   </i> <br>
<i> Action: The users are registered in a separate system (Buanco) which handles all electronic door keys at DTU. Sofar, we have not been able to tap these data, except for the two monitors hooked directly to the Buanco system (one near the entrance to build. 346, one in the gowning area in the cleanroom). However, we might return to this subject at a later stage e.g. while revising LabManager.  </i> <br>

Latest revision as of 10:53, 20 January 2011

Survey introduction

The October 2010 survey was the fourth survey carried out using a format where individual cleanroom users were asked about their view on various parts of using DTU Danchip's facilities and in particular the cleanroom facilities.
The questionaire was send to 169 registered users (based on the logging of cleanroom use) unfortunately 2 of the e-mail adresses was obsolete and thus the mails bounced, which brought the total number of potential answers to 167 . In total 24 persons answered the questionaire which means an answer fraction of 14% regardless of whether or not the bounces should be included in the total.
This page deals with the comments given as part of the questionaire. Danchip values this feedback highly.


The comments appear here as they were written in the feedback field of the questionaire. In a few cases they have been anonymized or the worst spelling mistakes corrected.

Comment 1

For some tools you are extremely specific with rules to follow, but for others you allow highly contaminating processes - like e.g. the SSE spinner where you allow thick resists that contaminates a system that is intended to be used for nanolithography (e-beam and nanoimprint).

Action: We have identified two major problems regarding the SSE spinner: The general cleanliness was inadequate and some of the recipees were modified in a way which resulted in resist deposition on the back side of the wafers. Regarding the general cleanliness we have for the past three months dedicated personnel to keep this at the right level. Sofar we think this works good. Regarding the back-side deposition, we have de-bugged the "bad" recipees - this will of course continue if we find more.

Comment 2

The SEM outside cleanroom will be nice.

Action: The SEM outside the cleanroom is operational now - please contact Jonas for training.

Comment 3

Quality control of equipment is not always sufficient: For some tools pass/fail criteria for standardization tests is badly defined. I am missing clear reaction plan for equipment that is measured to be out of spec.


Comment 4

I use the KS Aligner quite a bit when I am in the cleanroom, and for most days this machine is so heavily booked that it almost is preventing me from running a continuous process in a single day. Would it be possible for Danchip to buy a second exposure system that could be for simpler exposures and not for complicated alignment? I know there is an aligner in CleaR at Risø. Danchip might want to look into having this system transported to Lyngby.

Action: The KS Aligner does get a good deal of load. However there are two other aligners in the cleanroom, the EVG 620 and the III-V aligner, either of these may also be useful for your processing, and are not heavily booked.
Danchip has had more than one look at the CleaR aligner but frankly we don't fint it worthwhile to install and maintain given its present condition.

Comment 5

I think you work very well and you are always open to handle new challenges.


Comment 6

Your UV mask ordering procedure does not work

Action: The complaint has been shortened. The issue is too long proceesing time for ordering masks. We are going to revise our mask ordering procedure to speed-up at least the orders from experinced users. In short, we plan to offer two options:
Option 1: A pure administrative order where we just ship the order without checking anything. This is meant for the experienced user.
Option 2: An order including a basic check of the mask layout and the associated txt-file. This is meant for less-experinced users. We will charge a minor fee for this option.

Comment 7

There is some heavy booking with SEM

Action: Yes there is heavy booking on the two SEM's. The good news is that the SEM outside the cleanroom is operational. But the even better news is that we are getting a third SEM in the cleanroom - we expect it to be operational before christmas (2010). Also you may also wish to contact DTU CEN to gain access to more SEM's, they have a number of tools which are superior to the ones at Danchip.

Comment 8

Staff helpfulness: Very very satisfied!


Comment 9

It would be nice to be able to go online and see who is in the cleanroom.

Action: The users are registered in a separate system (Buanco) which handles all electronic door keys at DTU. Sofar, we have not been able to tap these data, except for the two monitors hooked directly to the Buanco system (one near the entrance to build. 346, one in the gowning area in the cleanroom). However, we might return to this subject at a later stage e.g. while revising LabManager.