June 2010 Survey: Difference between revisions

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<i> Action: Vi er enige i, at brugerne bør orienteres pr. mail, når en maskine sættes "out of use" (dette vil blive implementeret til september). Vi vil fortsat orientere om "ready for use" pr. mail, når maskinen er klar til brug.  </i> <br>
<i> Action: Vi er enige i, at brugerne bør orienteres pr. mail, når en maskine sættes "out of use" (dette vil blive implementeret til september). Vi vil fortsat orientere om "ready for use" pr. mail, når maskinen er klar til brug.  </i> <br>
Danchip comments: EMH


Revision as of 10:20, 25 August 2010

Survey introduction

The June 2010 survey was the third survey carried out using a format where individual cleanroom users were asked about their view on various parts of using DTU Danchip's facilities and in particular the cleanroom facilities.
The questionaire was send to 137 registered users (based on the logging of cleanroom use) unfortunately 1 of the e-mail adresses was obsolete and thus the mails bounced, which brought the total number of potential answers to 136 . In total 23 persons answered the questionaire which means an answer fraction of 17% regardless of whether or not the bounces should be included in the total.
This page deals with the comments given as part of the questionaire. Danchip values this feedback highly.


The comments appear here as they were written in the feedback field of the questionaire. In a few cases they have been anonymized or the worst spelling mistakes corrected.

Comment 1

Har altid undret mig over hvorfor man får at vide at en maskine virker, men ikke får at vide når den er 'out of order'. Som udgangspunkt må man vel gå ud fra at maskinerne virker og at det derfor kun er nødvendigt at informere om afvigelser fra normal drift.

Action: Vi er enige i, at brugerne bør orienteres pr. mail, når en maskine sættes "out of use" (dette vil blive implementeret til september). Vi vil fortsat orientere om "ready for use" pr. mail, når maskinen er klar til brug.

Comment 2

Some label should be both in Danish and English, such as the labels on the buttons of fumehood and bath.

Action: We will investigate further and assure that there are english labels on all equipment
Danchip comments: Danchip, as an international working environment, must make information available so that every user can understand it. This means that all labels in our mind should at least be in english, with the possibility of additionally having danish labels.

Comment 3

It is good that the overall support for III-V things is increasing. This has been and still is unsatisfactory but the development right now seems very positive.

Action: A plan for full integration of III-V equipment into Danchips operation is being put in place right now.
Danchip comments: Thanks a lot for noticing that things have started changing. Danchip, with a lot of assistance from Kresten Yvind of DTU Fotonik is implementing a plan for full integration of the III-V equipment. The plan calls for all equipment being under 'Danchips wings' by the end of the year with a final discussion meeting with the involved users in january 2011.

Comment 4

It would still be an advantage if we can get a SEM outside of the cleanroom. The investigation of used samples/devices for e.g. failure analysis could be performed easily.

Action: We will very soon when Jonas is back from leave set-up the old JEOL-SEM in the basement of build. 346.
Danchip comments: FJ

Comment 5

Real pleasure working with you all - great team.

Action: Smiling
Danchip comments: Thank you very much.

Comment 6

Det kunne være sjovt hvis vi fik adgang til dataen fra partikelmålingerne. Kan se de sender dataen til en server, så enten kunne man gå ind på en hjemmeside og se live data, ellers bare ligger dem op i labmanager/advisoren

Danchip comments: EMH

Comment 7

The day all of Danchip was away from campus the alarm went off, but no one from danchip came to count us at 358. You should at least leave behind an emergency team such that this does not happen again.

Danchip comments: FJ

Comment 8

Performance of equipment
III-V aligner: there are vibrations that make it difficult to align.
III-V spinner: Some time ago there were problems with the vacuum and spin-speed. Seems to run better now.
PECVD2: The deposition rate has been varying as the generator has been switched to and from PECVD1 and PECVD2. It seems to be stable now.
III-V plasma asher: The pressure has been at 0.2 mbar for a long time but should go down to 0.1 (which is the lowest reading of the scale).
III-V ICP: Still not up and running properly!

Cleanroom conditions
I think that the general cleanliness in the cleanroom has been horrible up until recently. The cleanliness in the III-V room is also deteriorating although I try to keep it up. For example there seems to be many non III-V users of the spinner that are not aware of how to clean up after themselves and they are not aware of how to use the fumehoods or of how to dispose of tissues and solvent. The final performance of our devices is very much related to the general cleanliness.

Overall satisfaction
I often get the feeling that the Si-processing is always prioritised before the III-V. For example regarding the material on LabAdviser. It has been supplied to Danchip, but is not in LabAdviser. Another example was the generator of PECVD2 was connected by default to PECVD1 when the generator of PECVD1 was broken, although PECVD2 was the one which was most in use.

Danchip comments: FJ