LabAdviser/Process flow approval

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Process Flow Approval

Why do process flows need to be reviewed

Before implementing new process flows in the DTU Nanolab cleanroom facilities, it is recommended to have the process approved by Nanolab personnel. This is done to ensure safety to all cleanroom users and to guard involved machinery and equipment during the process, e.g. for cross-contamination, as well as to support your work in the cleanroom.

Process flows or any questions regarding process flow review should be submitted to Please add your Name to the subject line.

Recommendations to the setup of the process flow

  • Process flow: Mark each page of the process flow with title, author, affiliation name, batch number and page number.
  • Illustrations: Supply key process steps with illustrations of top layout and layer layout. If possible, mark the steps that carry a high risk of yield loss.
  • Substrates: Specify the size, type and number of wafers to process and whether wafers should be processed differently.
  • Photolithography: Specify the mask-name (or -layers) used for each photolithography step, and whether alignment should be performed to specific alignment marks. Specify aligner equipment, exposure dose, type of process (hard contact/soft contact), and the name of developer.
  • Metal evaporation: Specify name of evaporator equipment, process name, metal thicknesses and tolerances.
  • Wet/dry etch: Specify name of etching equipment, process name, etch parameters, etch depth and tolerances.
  • Chemicals: If the process includes wet steps carried out in beakers, it should be specified how to dispose used chemicals.

Process Flow Template

You can download a template for process-flows here (word format): Process_flow_template_v3.1.docx.

Another possibility is to use the Flow editor in LabManager. Link: LabManager Flow editor or find the link in LabManager menu under "Equipment".

Note! this is still under development. Feedback is welcome.

Cross Contamination

Cross Contamination presentation from meetings aug/sept 2014.