Specific Process Knowledge/Thin film deposition/Deposition of Chromium/Sputtering of Cr in Sputter System (Lesker)

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This page is written by Evgeniy Shkondin @DTU Nanolab if nothing else is stated.
All images and photos on this page belongs to DTU Nanolab.
The fabrication and characterization described below were conducted in 2021-2022 by Evgeniy Shkondin.

Cr Sputtering

This page presents the results of Cr deposition using DC sputtering in Sputter-System Lesker, now commonly known as "Old Lesker". The deposition target is Cr. Source #2 (DC) was used.

The fabrication and characterization described below were conducted in 2021 by Evgeniy Shkondin, DTU Nanolab. The prepared samples were investigated by the X-ray Reflectivity method. The focus of the study was the deposition conditions.

The process recipe in a Sputter-System (Lesker) is following:

  • Deposition type: DC
  • Power: 220 W.
  • Pressure: 3 mTorr
  • Gas: Ar
  • Deposition time: 360
  • Temperature: 20°C (no heating)
  • Measured DC bias: 360V

  • Deposition Rate: 0.148 nm/s


Layer parameter list
Layer name Thickness (nm) Density (g/cm3) Rougness (nm) Delta Beta
Moisture 1.73 0.99 0.00 3.0119e-6 6.9942e-8
Cr2O3 4.36 2.96 0.00 8.9602e-6 6.2352e-7


6.19 2.93 1.8194e-5 1.8712e-6
SiO2 (native oxide) 2.34 3.02 1.92 9.8053e-6 1.2778e-7
Si (wafer) 2.328 0.00 7.5795e-6 1.7601e-7