Specific Process Knowledge/Characterization/XPS/Nexsa

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The XPS Nexsa

Name: XPS Nexsa
Vendor: Thermofisher Scientific
The XPS Nexsa offers a variety of surface analysis techniques in addition to its main XPS technique.

The XPS Nexsa.

The user manual(s), user APV(s), technical information and contact information are be found in LabManager:

The XPS Nexsa in LabManager

Process information

The XPS Nexsa with all but one options

XPS is a well established technique at DTU Nanolab; we know what we can get from it and so do the users. Take a look at the page of the XPS K-Alpha to find more information. The situation is slightly different with the other analytical techniques that the Nexsa offers. These options were not added because we have an urgent need for them in some project - rather, we chose to add them because we got an irresistible offer. Also, should any need for them arise in the future, the price of adding them once the instrument left the factory would be a lot higher. As a result, we don't have any applications waiting to explore what they can offer.

Check out the alternative techniques!

It is clearly in everybody's interest that the techniques are explored - that we throw all kinds of samples at them and that we investigate what kind of knowledge we can extract. Ideally, all this knowledge that we acquire should be shared among all the users. We therefore strongly urge you to take a look at the techniques on the pages listed below. Here, we will collect technical information and publications so that, hopefully, you will get inspired to explore the techniques with all kinds of samples.

Specific measurements

The Nexsa will allow you to characterize the sample in many ways. The list of parameters that can be determined are:

Work function
Based on the measurements of the Fermi Level and the spectrum energy cut-off in a UPS spectrum, the work function may be measured. The Nexsa manual section 3.6.x has more information.
Band gap measurements
Based on the REELS spectra the band gap may be determined.
Electronic band structure
Using Angle resolved XPS (ARXPS) and UPS (ARUPS) the electronic band structure may be mapped.

Getting access to the XPS

Click HERE to see information on how to get access to the XPS.

Thermofisher sales documents