Specific Process Knowledge/Lithography/EBeamLithography/JEOLRequest

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Request for user exposure slot

As of October 1st 2023 all exposure slots on the JEOL 9500 system are managed and delegated by the Nanolab EBL staff in order to optimize the use of the system. In order to get an exposure slot users must request a slot by submitting a request form AND prepared job files for the exposure. The EBL staff will then assign the user a slot of an appropriate length for the exposure. We will try and group exposure jobs together to minimize cassette changes by loading multiple substrates in a single cassette whenever possible.

It is advisable to pre-compile the job files on the JEOL 9500 system before submitting a request. If we have to iron out errors in your job files through lengthy email exchanges it will cause significant delays. If you need help creating your job files, please request a meeting and we will be happy to help.

When a slot is granted it must be used for the intended job and nothing else. Please see usage conditions below.

The request form can be found here. Please send the request to JEOL-request@nanolab.dtu.dk.

Request form guide

Requests are made per cassette. Hence if you need more than one cassette you will need to submit more than one request form and more than one set of job files.

Date: Please fill in the date of the request.

Username: Please provide your Labmanger username in the username field.

Date and time: Consult the JEOL 9500 booking calendar. Find vacant slots and fill in up to four dates and times that will work for you.

Cassette and window: Select the window(s) you would like to use. You do not need to select a cassette. You can however select a particular cassette if for some reason you have a preference between two (in principle) identical cassettes. If you do select a particular cassette please let us know in the comment field why you need that particular cassette.

Job files: Job files must either be placed on the Cleanroom drive at "O:\CleanroomDrive\JEOL9500Jobs" or in the regular job folders on the JEOL 9500 computer. If you place the files on the Cleanroom drive please create a subfolder as [ddmmyy-initials] with the date being the same as put on the request form. Indicate whether the job files are on the JEOL 9500 system or on the Cleanroom drive.

SDF filename(s): Please provide the name of the SDF file(s).

Prealignment: Please indicate if you need prealignment.

Usage conditions

  • Exposures must start as soon as possible in a given slot. Hence the user must have the substrate(s) mounted (and prealigned if needed) such that the cassette can be loaded immediately when the booking starts.
  • If your substrate for some reason can not be ready in time you must notify us on the request email as soon as possible. You can not change your job to something else without approval.
  • Minor changes can be made to a job between submission and exposure. These changes may not affect execution time in any significant way. If you need to make significant changes to a job you must notify the EBL staff on the request email address.
  • Slot assignments are personal. The person requesting the exposure must also carry out the exposure. If there is a sudden need for a colaborating colleague to take over the exposure due to illness or similar you must notify the EBL staff. We must at all times know who is actually running the system.
  • Previously there was a limit on the number of future bookings a user could have. There is no such defined limit any longer. We will of course not allow a single user to take up an unreasonable fraction of the time on the tool though.